Thursday, February 11, 2010

A day in the life...

Today was a long day.
I woke up this morning and did a little bit of schoolwork. Then, after getting ready, I headed to the Rep to load the bus for sweet Libby's funeral in Hot Springs. The funeral was in honor of Libby, Catie, and their father. Though it was very, very sad, I thought it was done well. The music and speaking all pointed to Christ and reminded everyone that these three are in heaven with their Savior now. It was hard to see the Cooper family struggling, especially Mrs. Cooper. However, I felt blessed to have brought her a little bit of joy when we sang Oh Happy Day for everyone. We could tell she really loved it.
After getting back from the funeral in Hot Springs, Mom and I met my dad and brother at Corky's for a quick meal. I then went home, picked up my books, and headed straight to tutoring. Fun, fun, I know. Not gonna lie, it was helpful but LONG today.
...And THEN I went to the gym to run. I would have run outside, but it was all snowy and dark outside, so I decided to pass on that. I was supposed to run 4.5 miles for the half marathon training program I'm doing. Usually that's not too hard for me, but today it just drug on and on. Part of it was because I was on the treadmill (my distance watch wouldn't work indoors, so I couldn't use the track.). But it was just...not fun.

So there you have it. My day. Whew. I'm tired.
And I should probably get to bed, considering I'm waking up at 5:15 tomorrow to go to the gym. My life is crazy.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Life is crazy, i tell you.
Changes charge
Into every part of my life.
Creeping in without my consent.
Some good, some bad.
But it's all in His hands.
Yes, I know it will be forever.
But it's strange, you know.
When something you've always known
one way.
If it weren't for change,
what would life be though?
Would I still be an infant,
ignorant and weak?
quite possibly.
remember, it's His.
plans. changes. will. creation.
I will give thanks,
even when life is too much for me.
change is life, and without it,
we would not truly live.